Saturday, December 18, 2010


51/52 red*, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.
These are the cranberries just before they were stabbed and threaded to make a pretty little garland for the Birds of Winter. So far they have yet to find it. I'm going to have to move it to a quieter area out of my backyard. I don't think the birds like that obnoxious puppy or being watched by a very fat cat, even though he is behind glass.
The theme is red this week. I had so many photos this week that were red. I ended up using this one because it's just different, not so Christmasy. I'm really not in the Spirit yet. I'm trying though. I have my Christmas music playing and the scents of the season in the air (thanks to my Wallflowers from Bath and Bodyworks). I'm even doing a Count-Down-to-Christmas photo project. That's already getting old and I've only done 4 photos. This weekend we have 2 different family Christmas parties to attend. I'm not ready. I can't get motivated. It will feel like Christmas on Christmas Day.


Eric said...

Hey Jen. So I joined flickr. It's pretty cool! LOL. What took me SO long? I'm thinking of joining the 52 of 2011 group now but will have to be more disciplined on posting on time.

I want to ask you: do you like your Canon XSi? Since I've gone back to work I'm planning on buying a Canon DSLR for myself for Christmas. Merry merry. I've been looking at the T1i & T2i.

(MichEric248 at gmail dot com)

Jen said...

Hi Eric.. I left a response for you over at flickr.

Merry Christmas.

Connie Etter said...

Love this!!! I'm on flickr and have a blog...

Conniee4 is my profile on flickr
and my blog

Drop by if you get time.

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