Sunday, June 20, 2010


25/52 pair*, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.

This is Milo, our new addition and Simon, our black lab.
Hubby brought Milo home Thursday night, much to my dismay. He’s soooo darn cute that I can’t help but like the darn thing. He’s an eleven week old chihuahua / mini pincher hybrid, or “chipin”. He is a lovable ball of energy. He took to Emily as soon as he saw her. She loves him so much too. He sleeps with her at night. He whines when he can't find her, if she leaves the house or is showering.



Brenda said...

oh my gosh how cute is he????? I missed that you had a new addition!!

Laurie said...

Oh, man, he is sooooooo cute! I want one. :)

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