Sunday, June 6, 2010


23/52 toy*, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.

The theme for the week is toy/game/childhood pastime. It was tough trying to find a toy in this house. Emily does have a bunch of Polly Pockets and I found this cute jet-ski that she could ride in. So Polly is riding through our pond.
This week is the last full week of school for the kids. I know they are excited to be done but they do have a lot of preparation for their exams.
David had his track banquet at a local pizza place on Friday. Emily had her tennis banquet earlier in the week at the same place. She earned her 1st varsity letter.
The pool is open but it's too cold to swim in it. Emily can't wait to use the pool.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

really cute photo Jen!!! Love it!!
I hear you on the pool!! Ours needs maintanence on it i think...the jet is once again not working well. I tried backwashing the heck out of it but kinda crappy weather tomorrow looks nice so i'll give it the good old college try again!!

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