"As beautiful as the waterlilies. You too are a waterlily, my waterlily."
Ella Cara Deloria
We are halfway through the fiftytwo. I can't believe it. Where has this year gone? These were found in my pond. I love seeing the water lilies. They are so beautiful.
One more week of work! Saturday is a family wedding. It should be fun. Mike's sister and nieces will be in from San Diego. We plan on heading up to Higgins Lake the week afterward. I cannot wait for water, sun and being lazy! I want to get away from it all. I need a break.
This past week was pretty much the same ol' same ol'. Last night we headed over to a neighboring city for their fireworks. It was nice. We took Emily and her two besties. They played toss with a football. I couldn't figure out why they wanted to bring a football. Well after the second or third boy asked to play I figured it out. DUH, Mom!
David walked up there with a few of his friends. I never saw them. I wonder what kind of trouble they got into. Who knows... they are good kids though. I guess I just have to rely on my way of raising him to know he was fine though. I know he's loving the extra freedom that being 16 allows.
It's summer-time!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
This is Milo, our new addition and Simon, our black lab.
Hubby brought Milo home Thursday night, much to my dismay. He’s soooo darn cute that I can’t help but like the darn thing. He’s an eleven week old chihuahua / mini pincher hybrid, or “chipin”. He is a lovable ball of energy. He took to Emily as soon as he saw her. She loves him so much too. He sleeps with her at night. He whines when he can't find her, if she leaves the house or is showering.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
black & white*
This is a spot in my backyard that I let overgrow with weeds. I feel that my little toad friends need a place to hide. Of course I maintain the overgrowth with a little cleaning up now and again.
I think maybe I'm crazy.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The theme for the week is toy/game/childhood pastime. It was tough trying to find a toy in this house. Emily does have a bunch of Polly Pockets and I found this cute jet-ski that she could ride in. So Polly is riding through our pond.
This week is the last full week of school for the kids. I know they are excited to be done but they do have a lot of preparation for their exams.
David had his track banquet at a local pizza place on Friday. Emily had her tennis banquet earlier in the week at the same place. She earned her 1st varsity letter.
The pool is open but it's too cold to swim in it. Emily can't wait to use the pool.