Sunday, October 11, 2009


Old vs New
This is my take on the theme Old vs New. This is an old grandfather clock but it is new for me. I just acquired it yesterday. My Great Uncle made this long ago for his sister, my Grandma. My Uncle, Grandma's son, had it at his empty rental house. His son didn't want it anymore. It's been passed around a bit.
I'm so glad to have gotten this clock. It's a cherished family heirloom. I love the sound it makes. It takes me back to times spent with my Grandma & Grandpa at their house. Both have passed on and to have this part of them means so much that I can't even describe.


Brenda said...

Jen! 'm telling you at times I think we are long lost relatives!! Molly and I were watching the Barbie Nutcracker movie and there was a grandfather clock chiming and it made me think of the clock my parents have at thier house. I said if theres one thing I would love to own one day it is a clock like that! Then today you post a picture of this!! What a cherised family hierloom you have!! What a lucky lady you are! I hope it brings you much happiness!!

Jen said...

What a coincidence Brenda!!

Laurie said...

what a great photo for the theme too - definitely old but a new treasure for you - beautiful clock too - I wonder if grandfather clocks will ever disappear - I hope not. :)

Christina said...

That is a very cool picture, but an even cooler story and it's meaning to you! :) Enjoy it!

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