fifty two / 52 looking into the future*, a photo by .Jen likes to snap pics* (is in a bit of a slump) on Flickr.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
fifty two / 52
fifty two / 52 looking into the future*, a photo by .Jen likes to snap pics* (is in a bit of a slump) on Flickr.
Monday, December 26, 2011
№ 26 | The Day After
Picture the Holidays : Day 26
Time to clean up the Christmas ribbons and wrappings.
All is quiet today... The hustle and bustle of Christmas came to a complete halt when I hit my head on the pillow last night.
Early this morning the kids went with Grandparents on a trip to visit my brother and his family in New York. Missing them; my kids, my brother and his wife, especially his adorable little girls.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
№ 24 | Enchantment
I realize that I have many dog/kitten photos for this project. With my kiddos almost grown up, I find that they are they easiest subject to shoot.
The kitten was enchanted with the lights, the tree and the bows on the gifts that were put out on Christmas Eve. My pup was enchanted with the new kitten.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
№ 22 | You Are Getting Sleepy
Picture The Holidays : Day 22
It's a pajama day today. While the goodies were baking in the oven, Milo and I sat down to take a little break.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
№ 21 | Attitude Adjustment | fifty one / 52
A little nostalgia... remembering the joy of the season, the childhood magic, and the warmth of yester-years.
Thinking back to when Christmas was fun, not that it isn't now. The anticipation and excitement was much different when I was 8 than 38.
Things like this little Santa from when I was a child helps me adjust my attitude.
Monday, December 19, 2011
№ 19 | Make A List (And Check It Twice)
I hate to admit this, but I haven't bought one single gift yet. I have not had the chance yet. (Sorry midnight shopping is not something I do.) Thank goodness that I have this week off of work.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
№ 18 | Recharge
An Earl Gray Tea Latte and some reading.
Picture The Holidays : Day 18
fifty / 52
what is it*
Emily's new kitten checking out the spray bottle.
I know, a far stretch for this week's theme.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
№ 17 | WarmGlow
Picture The Holidays : Day 17
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
№ 13 | Simply Divine
Fall on your knees! O hear the angels' voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born.
One of my favorite Christmas Hymns.
Picture The Holidays : Day 13
Monday, December 12, 2011
№ 12 | A Whole Lot of Happy
This little kitten has brought a whole lot of happy to my daughter. She insisted on bringing it home. I insisted she didn't. She is persistent I tell ya. I told her to ask her dad. She didn't. So I did. That didn't help! He said what ever makes her happy. Well she is. Milo pup is not. I hope they learn to get along! lol
Sunday, December 11, 2011
№ 11 | Shaping Up
forty nine / 52
less is more*
Less on the focusing... more on the feeling.
The feeling of Christmas is slowing entering me. I am putting the tree up and decorating this weekend. There is less focus of chores this weekend... more focus on Christmas. (Chores can wait.)
I shot this yesterday with no intention of using it for my weekly shot... however, time slipped away and I did not get to shooting the shot I intended.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
№ 10 | Twinkle Twinkle
Milo was admiring the tree as we were putting it up today. I'm afraid to put the ornaments on it. He will think they are toys. This was taken in seconds, no time for focus and composition with him. Just as I tried to get a better focus he took off.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
№ 8 | Reflecting on the Season
My daughter, her kitten Lilla (Leelah) and I reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas, Christ the Saviour is born!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
№ 7 | Express Yourself
Ugh! This is so "in your face" it's scary. I didn't have much time to do this. I should have changed my lens. I probably should have skipped the SP part of the project. I am probably going to do this over but am posting it to post. :-\
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
№ 6 | Every Little Thing
The tiny "gem" details of Christmas cards that I enjoy writing out.
Monday, December 5, 2011
№ 5 | The View From Here
This isn't a typical landscape shot for me. Normally I'd seek out a picturesque scene at the Park. Since today is my son's birthday, I decided to take a photo of the store that his gift came from. He's 18 today. It's a bittersweet day for me.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
forty eight / 52
My daughter met her "cousin" Mocha from San Diego for the first time yesterday. It was love at first sight.
№ 4 | You Hold The Key
The key to happiness is having dreams. The key to success is making your dreams come true." Anonymous
It's so easy for me to get overwhelmed and stressed out during this time of year. Part of that has a lot to do with the lack of planning ahead. If I acknowledge my "dreams" for this Holiday, perhaps more happiness will come about, not stress.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
№ 3 | All You Need Is Love
I John 4:10-11 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Friday, December 2, 2011
№ 2 | Reframing The Season
"The frenzy of the holiday season can get the best of us!" This season I will remember to slow down, take a break. I will remember that I don't have to do 'everything', simply enjoy what the season has to offer.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
№ 1 | Holding Onto Gratitude
One of the things that I am grateful for is my camera. Photography has been a passion of mine since I can remember. It is a creative outlet. I love creating images and seeing the final outcome. My emotions and feelings often come through my images. Like a poet expresses feelings, I express my feelings through my camera.
I also am grateful for the many memories that I have captured of my kids growing up and the family trips, etc.
My little Holiday Flash is a "find" and some day I will learn how to use it. Until then she lets me photograph her.

- 52 weeks of 2010 (52)
- FiftyTwo of TwentyEleven (49)
- moon (1)
- Picture the Holidays (14)
Blog Archive
It is ILLEGAL to copy and or reproduce any photography or content in any manner.
Blog Archive
- fifty two / 52
- № 26 | The Day After
- № 24 | Enchantment
- № 22 | You Are Getting Sleepy
- № 21 | Attitude Adjustment | fifty one / 52
- № 19 | Make A List (And Check It Twice)
- № 18 | Recharge
- fifty / 52
- № 17 | WarmGlow
- № 13 | Simply Divine
- № 12 | A Whole Lot of Happy
- № 11 | Shaping Up
- forty nine / 52
- № 10 | Twinkle Twinkle
- № 8 | Reflecting on the Season
- № 7 | Express Yourself
- № 6 | Every Little Thing
- № 5 | The View From Here
- forty eight / 52
- № 4 | You Hold The Key
- № 3 | All You Need Is Love
- № 2 | Reframing The Season
- № 1 | Holding Onto Gratitude
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About Me

- Jen
- Michigan, United States
- I'm a 30ish, married mom of 2. I'm doing a 52-photo-a-week project. I'm on year 3... started in 2009 and still going strong. Please remember that T IS ILLEGAL TO COPY AND OR REPRODUCE ANY PHOTOGRAPHY OR CONTENT IN ANY MANNER.