Sunday, July 26, 2009


Ok... so the theme for the week is water. I don't know why but I wasn't inspired to do this week. I had an idea but it didn't work the way I wanted. Oh and it's just not HOT enough to get in the pool, besides, I'm not about to be seen in a swimsuit. I should have gotten in the hot-tub. Oh, too late.
I took the kids to the movie at 7:30 and on the way home I was thinking about what I could do. I was also thinking that I needed to vaccum the car. *ding *ding *ding *ding I'll wash the car! Wait, again, I'm not about to get in a bathing suit. So here's the "un-sexiest" carwash photoshoot.
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Brazilian Stew
I found a recipe on another blog that I follow. I made it for a late lunch / early dinner today. I just finished a bowl and I have to say, it was delicious! The mango added a special touch. The kids ate it with no groans. Emily didn't care for the sweet potatoes. I think she's crazy.
Go check out the b-line for the recipe.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

banana split!

A few weeks ago, my parents took the kids to the Jackson Dairy. Here is David with the banana split that he ordered. Look at the size of that. He ate it all!!
Oh, and that's my dad. :-)

It makes me laugh each time I visit my mother-in-law. This is how all the mirrors are in the house. If you are taller than 5'5" you won't see your face in the mirrors unless you bend down.
We had a nice visit with Mike's mom. The weather was cold, cloudy and rainy. We had planned on tubing down the river but that didn't work out. Will make up back up there this summer, hopefully it's hot!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


29/52 chore, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.

Well, here I am once again posting these crazy photos. The theme this week is "fruits / veggies". As you can see this has nothing to do with the theme. (I don't know if I'll have the chance to do a photo for the theme.) I was actually vacuuming the pool. I took this on Monday for "Bench Monday". And no, this is not a bench. It's my Home Depot bucket. These really come in handy. Sidney was right under foot as usual. And this time, quite literally. It's like she knew she was going to have her picture taken too.
Well, enough rambling. Have a great week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


emily, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.

We went to Trenton's Elizabeth Park today. They were having Kayak demos and Emily wanted to check it out. We got there a little to late and they were wrapping up but they were going to be starting a tour soon. We declined although it would have been fun. The kayaks they were selling were over $1k. Just a bit over our price range.
I brought my camera and wanted to practice taking pics of *people* but Emily didn't want anything to do with it. Somehow I managed to get 3 decent ones of her. David was off at the skate park so I didn't get any of him.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Don't forget: Saturday is Free Slurpee Day - Pop Candy -

Don't forget: Saturday is Free Slurpee Day - Pop Candy - "Every July 11, 7-Eleven stores across the country celebrate their birthday by giving away free Slurpees. This year the convenience store chain turns 82, and about 5 million icy beverages will be handed out at participating locations.
The company is touting this as the 'biggest Slurpee giveaway ever.' In addition, the Slurpee cups will come with codes that can be redeemed for $7.11 lawn seats to select Live Nation shows.
You can learn more at and 'RSVP' on Slurpee's Facebook page. But beware: Brain freeze is no joke!"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This is my happy place. Out in my yard, barefoot, relaxing in my favorite chair, drinking a nice glass of some homemade wine (courtesy of mom & dad). It's so peaceful to get away and just let the worries fade.

Monday, July 6, 2009

free is good!!

forgotten memories

I'm pretty excited. I just enrolled in a free online digital photography course!!
If anyone is interested in participating in a free online photography class - Creative Techs is offering one starting next week - 15 July. This class will be taught by John Greengo from the PBS series Art Wolfe's Travels to the Edge. Make sure you sign up now, in order for these cyber classes to happen, they need at least 1,000 attendees and they usually get that many too!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


27/52 chaos, originally uploaded by Jen likes to snap pics*.

The theme for the week is chaos.
Need I say more? Between Emily and I my counter is alway full. I like things within reach. I can't find anything when it's put away. By the way... I actually cleaned the counter yesterday. I staged this. ha ha! There would have been more things here such as deodarant, the flat iron. And this is only have of it.

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